
8:45 | Registration, welcome coffee and poster setup

9:25 | Introduction and welcome address

9:30 | Session #1 – Frédéric Rousseau (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)

            What do amyloid structures tell us about amyloid pathologies?

10:20 | Talk #1

10:50 | Talk #2

11:20 | Coffee break

11:40 | Session #2 – Sylviane Muller (Université de Strasbourg, France)

               Peptide-based therapeutics: down-regulation of abnormal immune cell crosstalk by

               inhibiting dysfunctional autophagy in inflammation

12:30 | Talk #3

13:00 | Lunch break

14:00 | Poster session

15:00 | Session #3 - Gil Privé (University of Toronto, Canada)

               Architecture of cullin-3 ubiquitin ligase assemblies

15:50 | Talk #4

16:20 | Talk #5

16:50 | Wrap-up and poster/talk prizes

17:00 | Reception and drinks