Welcome to the Belgian Photonics Online Meetup

The goal of bePOM is to strengthen the Belgian photonics network, associating research groups from all the universities in Belgium working on fundamental and applied topics in photonics. It will give the opportunity to early career and established researchers to (re-)discover and learn about the ongoing research topics in the Belgian cities next-door, without moving from their home universities.

5th bePOM edition - 19 & 20 September 2024

A 2-day free event | One day online - One day hybrid online/on site @VUB


Thanks to all our participants for attending the 4th edition in September 2023!


bePOM is supported by Optica

As organizers, we publicly state that we expect our attendees to adhere to the highest professional standards

according to the Optica code of conduct

Organizing Committee

  • Dr Tatevik Chalyan | Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Mrs Karin Derochette | University of Namur
  • Mr Hadrien Fasseaux| University of Mons
  • Dr. Dmitry Levshov | Universiteit Antwerpen
  • Mr Pablo Marin-Palomo | Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Ms Aina Fitό Parera | Universiteit Antwerpen
  • Dr Gilles Rosolen | University of Mons
  • Prof Lien Smeesters | Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Dr Denis Tihon | UCLouvain
  • Mr Timo Van Gucht | Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Dr Koen Vanmol | Vrije Universiteit Brussel

As bePOM is affiliated with POM, we totally share their mission and aims

bePOM is affiliated with the international POM conference

The initial mission of POM was to provide everyone access to the latest knowledge. Lately, especially due to the pandemic of COVID-19, it has become more important than ever to promote methods of disseminating scientific knowledge without physical contact.  Read more...

bePOM is supported by